Basking In The San-Time
I’m in San Francisco! Sort of. I flew out here last week and had a few days to bum around the city before spending this week working on a show in Stanford. My time in SF proper was mostly spent wandering around, finding cool stuff, taking pictures (many, many pictures) of said cool stuff, eating tasty food, and walking up hill. ALWAYS. Walking. Up. Hill.
So, I flew:
Flying over Greenlandic ice bergs
I wandered around the city a bit, went up a big hill because I saw a cool tower at the top.
My first morning in town I woke up planning to go and see the Golden Gate Bridge but the weather wasn’t great so I did a bit more wandering. I walked out along an old pier (because I saw a cool building at the end), and passed by what I assume is some sort of old watch tower. There were a few of them but I didn’t make any effort to find out what they were. If you know then fill me in:
I went to the Musée Mécanique, a museum of old coin op arcade machines and musical instruments. It was amazing. Some of the pieces were pretty odd:
When you feed a quarter into this the guys sort of wobble around a bit, then the chest in the middle opens and there’s a guy inside. I think he’s meant to be dead.
Old school YouTube, complete with click bait titles
I wandered again as the sun came out, stumbled across more cool stuff:
Cannon mountings at Fort Mason
I didn’t do much that evening, my jet lag got the better of me. The next morning was still overcast but a bit clearer so I headed for the bridge. I don’t know what you’re expecting of me here but it’s a big bridge which automatically makes it cool in my book:
I walked back along the beach, wondering about what to do next:
And I discovered this Wave Organ. A bunch of pipes set in concrete that snake under the water line and make crazy noises for people to sit and listen to:
Seriously, the streets here are fucking mental!
Cable cars! Riding on these is way more fun than it should be.
ALCATRAZ! I’ve always been fascinated by this place, I’m not even sure why.
The Walking Dead season 3 set designers weren’t even trying!
The space between cell blocks. This is how you escape Alcatraz, by tunneling thru the wall and climbing up to the roof.
More wandering, more random stuff.